Matches in Divekick are traditionally played in a best-of-5 format, meaning whoever wins five rounds first, wins the entire match. A round at most lasts 20 seconds, with only the seconds 0-19 counting as full seconds, as the timer immediately ticks down to 19 when the round starts.
If neither player wins during a round, Hold the Line will decide a winner. If neither player wins the Hold the Line, Judgement is executed.
Winning a round[]
A round in Divekick can be won in multiple ways:
- Kicking your opponent
- Being closer to the line than your opponent when Hold the Line triggers
- Landing The Baz's Bazkousen
- Parrying your opponent's kick as S-Kill
- Hitting your opponent with one of Stream's Mini-Me Missiles
- Running over the opponent with Johnny Gat's Valet Service
- Throwing your sword at an opponent as The Fencer